Category Archives: china»

Joe Biden bumbles through Memorial Day ,

Joe Biden bumbles through Memorial Day ,

Published in Biden, china

another holiday and another day joe biden fumbles tradition. Yawning and shuffling, Joe seemed to barely know where he was or was supremely bored. You can see the videos everywhere because they are not even hiding it anymore. We are just expected to “not” see it. he might as well be talking to himself. however […]

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When Joe biden talks to China

When Joe biden talks to China

Published in Biden, bribery, china

what does Joe Biden say to China when they talk? Does he even know? Tariff Relief, COVID-19, Confucious Institutes, China U.S. Police Stations, Spy Ballons, Hunter, Ho …on and on and on. Oh no! joe’s been talkin’ to China.

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Not my fancy cup of joe biden

Not my fancy cup of joe biden

Published in Biden, china

Fancy pants loves the pomp and circumstance. He likes the hierarchy and control. The power and exchange of money. He can’t understand their writing though.

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