jOE Flubs his way into WW III

Published in Biden

I don’t even have to write anything because you know it’s true. I asked Gemini (googles AI) to summarize the Biden administration’s foreign policy as it relates to Iran. Here is what I got:

“I’m still learning how to answer this question. In the meantime, try Google Search.” #HahaDemocrats.

I followed up with this question: “Can you list the last 5 trips for joe Biden?”

I’m still learning how to answer this question. In the meantime, try Google Search. It appears” lunch bucket jOe” is off limits for google.

I asked Grok to supposed non-woke AI from Musk: “Can you summarize the biden administration foreign policy toward Iran?” At least Grok tried to answer. It was a summarization of the very kind articles out on this topic in fairness but not full reality. Here is Grok

The Biden administration’s foreign policy towards Iran has been characterized by a complex mix of diplomatic engagement and challenges posed by Iran’s actions in the region. Key aspects of the policy include:

  1. Diplomatic Engagement: The Biden administration has sought to reengage with Iran, particularly in discussions about returning to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran nuclear deal. This effort aims to regulate Iran’s nuclear activities in exchange for lifting sanctions.
  2. Challenges from Iran’s Actions: The U.S. has faced significant challenges due to Iran’s aggressive actions in the region, including attacks on U.S. military and commercial targets by Iranian-backed proxies, and the expansion of Iran’s influence in the Middle East through support for groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.
  3. Appeasement Concerns: Critics have accused the Biden administration of appeasing Iran, pointing to a lack of consequences for Iran’s attacks on U.S. forces and its allies. They argue that this approach emboldens Iran and its proxies.
  4. Military Preparation: The U.S. has taken steps to bolster regional deterrence and increase protection for its forces in the Middle East, in response to the threat of Iranian attacks. This includes moving additional assets to the region.
  5. International Coordination: The Biden administration has been working with international partners, such as through discussions with Arab countries, to manage the escalating tensions between Iran and Israel and to prevent a broader regional conflict.

In summary, the Biden administration’s foreign policy towards Iran has focused on a mix of diplomatic engagement and military preparedness, while facing criticism for its handling of Iran’s aggressive actions in the region.

Again #hahaDemocrats for ruining the world. If only the rest of us weren’t along for the ride!